Flooding Shuts Down NJ Govt.

by Copyright 2004 NBC10.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. | Sep 20, 2004
Flooding Shuts Down NJ Govt. Flooding shuts down New Jersey's government. The State House is closed today. Hundreds of people have evacuated on both sides of the cresting Delaware River...

The Delaware River is expected to stay at flood stage until later today. High water ruined a good number of homes and businesses. The latest damage estimates will come this morning when flood victims get their first look at the devastation.

Hundreds of homes in low-lying neighborhoods are under water this morning. The National Guard is helping the police and fire department with rescues and mandatory evacuation. Some delayed moveing out and others refused to leave.

There was concern when the Delaware River crested it could wash over many of the bridges it spans, like the bridge in Lambertville, New Jersey. The water is lapping the bottom of the bridge. A number of Delaware River bridges remain closed this morning, including the 202 free bridge in New Hope, Washington Crossing bridge, Frenchtown bridge, Milford bridge, Regalsville bridge and Calhoun Street bridge.

Due to the flooding, Governor McGreevey ordered the State House and state offices and buildings to be closed today.


Author: Copyright 2004 by NBC10.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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