Cape Classics Motorcycle Club

The Cape Classic Motorcycle Club participates in toy runs, rallies and other noteworthy charitable events.
The Cape Classic Motorcycle Club is headquartered on 337 West Spicer Avenue in Wildwood, New Jersey. Its origins go back to the fall of 1992, when six local riders--including Roland Roy and club vice president and police officer of 22 years Marc Damaico--decided that Cape May needed a motorcycle club or hog chapter similar to those of Atlantic City Hog and Cumberland County Hog. The number of members, whom President Roland Roy describes with a chuckle as a "diverse bunch of nuts," has risen from 6 to 55, including three women. Membership is limited due to the size of their personally renovated and constructed club house; however, anyone with good moral character, a Harley Davidson and proper license and insurance is welcome to apply. Club members consist largely of people of profession, such as local hotel and bar owners, police officers, and fireman. Both Roland Roy and Marc Damaico take pride in the good character and positive morals of their members.
The Cape Classic Motorcycle Club is responsible for several fundraisers throughout the year designed to give back to the community. When asked which members of the community they assisted in particular, Roy indiscriminately replied, "A person in need is a person in need." The club has donated radios to the Cape May county fire police and two bikes to the Police Explorers, as well as provided a scholarship to the local Optimist Club. The club also holds an annual October toy drive, donating all proceeds from 50/50 tickets for local children from needy families during the holiday season. They make numerous donations to families with financial or medical problems in Cape May, and the club handles its donations exclusively one on one with the recipients rather than through middle organizations.
Perhaps the most well-known fundraising event in which the club participates is the very well attended annual Roar to the Shore which, since its beginnings with Harley Davidson owners' rallies in Wildwood's Maxwell Field in 1993, has grown from 120 to 125,000 participants. It is the island's largest single event, mirroring Florida's Daytona Beach events. This year, the event will be held from September 10-13. The Cape Classic Motorcycle Club not only raises money but also goes to great lengths for maintaining crowd control and keeping the peace, valuing responsibility and community safety as well as a good time. They will continue to raise money for the community through participating mom and pop-style vendors and the highly anticipated motorcycle raffle. What makes Roar to the Shore a crowd favorite, besides the fact that it's free, is its centralized location.
It seems that any community should do more than simply tolerate such a generous and respectable organization. It may be true that stereotypes prevent many riders' deserved opportunity for positive recognition, but this is clearly unfair in the case of the Cape Classic Motorcycle Club. Their selfless and endless attempts to help their community and their membership of professional and respectable people prove that a book is much more than its cover.
For more information about the Cape Classic Motorcycle Club, please go to
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