Bishop Eustace Preparatory School

by Meghan Shott | Sep 8, 2014
Bishop Eustace Preparatory School Bishop Eustace Preparatory School is a private, four year, co-educational academic environment in Pennsauken with approximately 700 students. Earlier this month the school welcomed the Class of 2018, the largest class now in the school.

According to the school’s website, the mission of the school is to prepare all students to realize their unique potential through spiritual growth, Christian service, education and personal development. Bishop Eustace began as a school for young men in 1954 and also served as the minor seminary for the Pallottine’s Immaculate Conception Province until 1968. Young women got approval from the Board of Trustees to attend the school in 1972.

Bishop Eustace is located five miles east of Philadelphia, on 32 acres on Route 70 in Pennsauken. Bishop Eustace’s campus includes Martorelli Hall, Trinity Hall, the Saint Vincent Pallotti Chapel, and the Christa McAuliffe Science Center.

The Lulli Memorial Library can accommodate half of the student body at any one time, with 20,000 square feet. Students can work on quiet research on the main floor, hold group meetings on the second and third floors, or head outside to benches on the adjoining terrace. A dining hall and field house along with a common area known as “the quad” complete the campus.

Bishop Eustace offers an exciting curriculum with traditional offerings and many electives for upper classmen. Students can choose classes such as Journalism/Mass Media, Poetry, Law and Criminal Justice in America, and Music Theory. The school also has an honors program and offers 33 Advanced Placement and honors courses.

There are more than 25 co-curricular activities at the school including Amnesty International, Book Club, Crusader (Yearbook), Environmental Club, Eustacian (School Newspaper), Fine and Performing Arts, Film Club, Mock Trial, Multicultural Awareness Club, Phoenix (Literary Magazine), National Honor Society, Photography Club, Speculative Fiction Club, Student Council, Student Library Association, S.A.D.D., Ultimate Frisbee Club and Wizards of Wonder (W.O.W. – Magic Club).

The school also offers 30 varsity sports teams for students. Many of the teams are conference champions, including Boys and Girls Soccer, Girls Field Hockey, Tennis, Bowling, Basketball and Cheerleading, Boys Baseball and Golf, and Girls Lacrosse.

The Bishop Eustace football team will start off their season with a game against Woodrow Wilson on Saturday, September 13 at 11am. Other opponents this season will include Burlington City, Highland Regional, Gloucester Catholic, Cumberland, Camden, Glassboro, Camden Catholic and Pennsauken. Players on the team include Frank Vizzi, CJ Basso, Adam Gottsch, Christian Diantonio, Kevin Lammers, Jack Smith, Thomas Dewitt, Wesley Payne, Chris Smith, Trystin Golowsi, Vinny Papale, Jeff Love, Kevin Brandt, Ryan Lange, Brandon Lange, Matt Klitchko, Greg Gentek, Roy Hansen, Robert Dunn, Lucas Franz, Marc Germain, Matt Dziuba, Robert Maiorino, Trevor Mcdade, Luciano Manzo, Vince Purcell, Robert Pino, Jake O’Brien, Michael Snyder, Jonathan Ayoub, Jason Stott, Ted Kelly, Lewis Dippolito, Nicholas Barnaba, Jesse Flax and Ted Kelly.

Bishop Eustace has a Twitter account to provide immediate updates to the Bishop Eustace Community. This service will be used for instances like the school closing for inclement weather, unexpected early dismissal or an on-campus emergency. Check it out here:

The school also uses other social media sites extensively, including Facebook. For more information, visit their Newsroom.

The 13th Annual Bishop Eustace Alumni Fall Golf Tournament is Friday, October 3 at Westwood Golf Club. For more details or to register, contact Rich Bannar at

Bishop Eustace’s Annual Open House will take place on Sunday, October 19 from 11am-2pm. Everyone is welcome and pre-registration is not required, but those planning to attend are encouraged to check out the admissions viewbook.

Save the date! The school’s largest fundraiser, the fourth annual Monte Carlo Night will be held Saturday, November 22 at Riverton Country Club. Gaming tables open at 7pm with black jack, roulette, craps and more. There will also be an open bar, food and prizes.

Bishop Eustace Preparatory School is located at 5552 Route 70 in Pennsauken. For more information on the school, call 856-662-2160 or visit

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Author: Meghan Shott


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