Paul VI High School

by Meghan Shott | Sep 15, 2014
Paul VI High School Paul VI, a diocesan high school inspired by the Catholic ideal, is committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to the spiritual, intellectual, physical and social development of its students. According to their website, as a Catholic school, they have the responsibility to prepare their students for the contemporary world guided by the light of faith. The school offers students the opportunity to learn, live and worship as active members of a Catholic community. Paul VI, located in Haddonfield, is attended by over 1100 students.

Paul VI High School offers courses in areas such as Drama, Industrial Arts, Home Economics, Music, Dance, Art, Business Education, Language, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, English, Physical Education and Religious Education.

Film Production is an elective offered by Paul VI. In this course, students will learn details of editing, camera shots, lighting, audio mixing, safety and writing for broadcast. Each student will be able to produce a completed, polished video yearbook for the school with a focus on artistic, conceptual and technical details.

Languages offered at Paul VI include Latin, Spanish, Italian and French.

The school also offers activities including Academic Quiz Bowl, Talon (the school newspaper), Concert Band, Chorus, Student Council, Stage Crew, Environmental Club, Spanish Club, School Play, Samaritan Club, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Pro-Life Group, National Honor Society, and Mock Trial, among others.

Congratulations to the following students elected to the Paul VI Student Council for the 2014-2015 school year: for the Seniors Class of 2015, Michael Bizzoco, Emma Erwin, Robert Helsel, Matthew Janis and Anthony Leone; for the Juniors Class of 2016, Maria Gentile, Sabrina Grandrimo, Kayla Homan, Ji Park and Jack Stewart; for the Sophomores Class of 2017, Norah Costello, Grace Jablonoski, Ian Meier, Elizabeth Monico and Sal Villari.

National Honor Society provides peer-to-peer tutoring services for students who need remedial assistance. According to the school’s website, daily tutoring sessions take place in the Media Center during free periods. NHS Officers for the 2014-2015 school year include president Julia Davis, vice-president Elizabeth O’Brien, secretary Maureen O’Kane and treasurer Gabrielle Marino.

Sports offered at Paul VI include Cheerleading, Cross Country, Field Hockey, Football, Soccer and Tennis in the Fall; Basketball, Cheerleading, Ice Hockey, Indoor Track, Swimming and Wrestling in the Winter; and Baseball, Golf, Lacrosse, Softball, Tennis and Track in the Spring.

Football players this 2014 season include D’sean Harris, Lonnie Moore, Matty Vitale, Dean Tsakiris, Demetrius Hudson, Gavin Sentak, Stefone Moore-Green, Adam Costantino, Irvin Charles, Anthony Moran, Hines Elvis, Alec Thomas, Kevin Fields, Alex Toplyn, Erick Robertson, Donnell Shuler, Sam Casale, Theo Winsley, Joel Allen, Tyler Parsons, Joe Basil, Tyron Tucker, Douglas Colbert, Johnny Rodriguez, Chris Randle, Cameron Moore, Tavian Gibson, Bailey McCummings, John Santini, Robert Heaney, Frank Scaramuzzo, Andrew Farmer, Jimmy Browne, James Weathers, Joe Petruzzo, Jake Fenton, Arthur Myles, Austin Rapp, Tyler Dickinson, Darrin DiLauro, Harry Costello, Matt Ernharth, Elijah Hines, Brian Smith, Edward Kolawole, Dominic Griffo, Blake Underwood, Conor Rhea, John Cooney, Nick Rudi, Joe Obasi, Tony Santanello, Stephen Donatis, Cameron Flax, Thomas Wardle, John Calvello, Zach Piccone, Joey Broderick and Michael Johnson.

The Paul VI Alumni – Blue and White 5K Run will be held on Saturday, October 25 from 10am-1pm at Pennypacker Park in Haddonfield. Sponsored by Paul VI Alumni Association and the cross country teams, the entry fee is $15 in advance and $20 day-of. Tickets can be purchased online at

The Paul VI High School PTO annual Fashion Show “Winter Wonderland” is November 19, 2014 at Lucien’s Manor in Berlin. Doors open at 5:15pm with auction baskets, raffles and 50/50 prizes, followed by dinner and the show. Tickets are $50 per person. For more information email one of the chairpersons, Joann Dickinson at or Kris Gallagher at

The Class of 1979 35-Year Reunion is on Friday, November 28 at Popi’s Italian Restaurant in Philadelphia. Cost is $85 per person and includes 5-hour open bar, appetizers, Italian buffet and dessert. Contact Tom Barker ( or Mary Ellen Stanton ( for more information.

The Class of 1984 30-Year Reunion is on Saturday November 29 in the Paul VI Cafeteria. Contact Deanna Schofield Reilly ( for more information.

The Class of 1989 25-Year Reunion is on Friday, November 28 from 7-11pm in the Paul VI Cafeteria. Cost is $55 per person. Email Jim Cain at with questions.

The Class of 2004 10-Year Reunion will be held Friday, November 28 at 7:30pm at Lucien’s Tavern in Berlin. Contact Sandra Alexandre at for more details.

Paul VI High School is located at 901 Hopkins Road in Haddonfield, NJ. For more information about the school, call 856-858-4900 or visit

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Author: Meghan Shott


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