Office Space

by Editorial Staff--South Jersey Biz | Nov 9, 2014
Office Space …From the pages of South Jersey Biz…

Crunching Numbers

$368,000: Amount New Jersey will receive as a result of its participation in the $105 million settlement between the government and telecom giant AT&T, after the government accused the company of unlawfully billing wireless customers for bogus charges.

$51.4 million: Amount of the joint contract Pennsauken-based Airborne Systems North America and Wamore, Inc., an Arizona-based company, will share to supply the Army with joint precision aerial delivery systems.

80%: Amount, under a bill up for discussion by the Senate Environment and Energy Committee, of the state’s electricity that would be produced from renewable energy by 2050.

Two: Number of solar farms PSE&G has proposed to build atop closed landfills in the state, one of which would sit atop Kinsley Landfill in Deptford.

72 HOURS: Amount of paid time off employees of businesses with 10 or more employees would be required to earn under a proposal recently presented to the state legislature.

40 HOURS: Amount of paid time off, under the same proposal, that employees of businesses with 10 or fewer employees would be required to earn.

Supplies in Demand
Whether you’re just starting your business or you’re a seasoned veteran in your field, here are three items we think can help make your busy days on the road a little easier.

The Organizer: This USB-powered, travel-friendly scanner is a must-have for people who lose documents or business cards the moment they receive them. With the capability of sending documents to the Cloud for easy access later on, you won’t have to worry about keeping all your new documents in order—the scanner can do it for you. (, $150)

The Inspiration: Follow award-winning entrepreneur, inventor and business owner Stephen Key as he leads you through the process of starting, growing and running your business in his latest effort, One Simple Idea for Startups and Entrepreneurs: Live Your Dreams and Create Your Own Profitable Company. (McGraw-Hill, October 2014, $14)

The Replacement: The Digital Paper system from Sony (pictured) eliminates your need for notebooks, file folders and even a briefcase, allowing you to upload files from wherever you are, all while taking notes with its stylus and making adjustments that you can wirelessly transfer to the Cloud for future use. (, $999)

Published (and copyrighted) in South Jersey Biz, Volume 4, Issue 10 (October, 2014).
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Author: Editorial Staff--South Jersey Biz


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