High Schoolers To Compete In App Contest

This is the fourth year that Congressman Frank LoBiondo’s office has participated in the Congressional App Challenge. Students living within the district can participate.
“It’s an opportunity for high school students across the district solo or in groups up to four to compete and test their abilities and ingenuity in creating apps for your tablet, your mobile device or what not,” LoBiondo Press Secretary Jason Galanes told KYW Newsradio.
What the app does is up to the creator.
“We’ve seen everything from making voting registration easier to computing how courses in high school translate into college credit,” Galanes added. “And then you also have video games and other things.”
Over 160 members of Congress are taking part this year. Each district’s winner will have their app displayed on Capitol Hill and on a special congressional website. Cumberland Regional High School has taken the last two local competitions.
Author: http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2017/09/30/want-to-develop-an-app-high-schoolers-can-compete-in-congressional-contest/ - David Madden
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