Ocean City Plans Infrastructure Repairs

by http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2017/10/07/ocean-city-plans-infrastructure-repairs-starting-later-this-month/ - David Madden | Oct 10, 2017
Ocean City Plans Infrastructure Repairs OCEAN CITY, NJ (CBS) — This is the time when many towns down the shore undertake repair projects that could otherwise affect the summer tourist trade. Ocean City has a couple items on their “to do” list that’ll get done starting later this month.

Both projects will be completed long before the next tourist season picks up.

“The Army Corps is coming this fall to renourish our beaches and we’re finishing up a five year project to rebuild our boardwalk between 5th street and 12th street,” city spokesman Doug Bergen told KYW Newsradio.

This will be the eighth time the beach has been replenished, a process done on average every three years. It comes after some serious erosion thanks to Hurricane Jonas last year and more recently Jose and Maria.

The feds are picking up 90 percent of the $11.5 million price tag.

As for the boardwalk, Bergen said the final two blocks of that project will be redone, starting October 16th.

“The work includes the substructure and the decking,” he added. “So you’ll see the boardwalk completely demolished in that two block stretch between 10th and 12th.”

The boardwalk project is costing the city $10 million all told. The work is expected to be completed by March.

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Author: http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2017/10/07/ocean-city-plans-infrastructure-repairs-starting-later-this-month/ - David Madden


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