Thousands Without Power In South...

by Nieves | Mar 22, 2018
Thousands Without Power In South... Thousands Without Power In South Jersey After Snowstorm

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Thousands of residents are without power in South Jersey after the region got pummeled with snow.

Atlantic City Electric says roughly 49, 000 residents are in the dark Wednesday night.

The Kay family in Williamstown, Gloucester County is still without power and has only one flashlight.

We caught up with them as they were debating whether to leave their now dark home and get on the road.

“We was debating on whether we could try to make it to the Walmart to get some electric, battery operated lanterns or something. I don’t like burning candles especially when you’re sleeping, we’re going upstairs or something,” said Robert Kay.

“There’s a lot of older people that really need the lights on, because they have a lot of health problems. Me myself, I am an asthmatic, I have a nebulizer machine. So if I have an asthma attack with no power. What am I going to do?!” said Zach Kay.

The K family is just one of many throughout the region in the dark in this storm.


Author: Nieves


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