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The Adversary
When smoke cleared from the fire that ravaged the second floor of a cottage in the Gex region of France in the early morning of Jan. 10, 1993, Florence Romand and her two young children lay dead....

They had the `fire` down below
The volatile, glamorous, but ultimately tragic life of the late opera diva suprema Maria Callas has been the subject of books penned by her mother, sister, ex-husband...

They Were Ours: Gloucester County`s Loss in Vietnam
John Campbell has just completed his most important Vietnam mission: with a relentless persistence and passionate dedication he found the families and friends of every soldier who was lost from Gloucester County and let them remember the soldiers they loved the most. THEY WERE OURS will bring a tear to the eye and a lump to the throat. But you won`t put this book down without feeling proud, enriched, and awed...

Morgan`s Run
Sick `n` tired of the same old seafarin` curses, are ye? Well, listen up and learn. Here are some of me favorites from "Morgan`s Run"...

Exploring the link between biology and behavior
In recent years, the debate over nature vs. nurture has gone decidedly natural...

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