South Jersey History - New Articles

John Henry `Pop` Lloyd
They called him "Pop" because he was the granddaddy of them all--and the quintessential shortstop. He was born in Florida, but spent his golden years winning the heart of Atlantic City...

Jersey Devil: Fact or Fiction?
One legend has it that in the 1700s, a woman by the name of Deborah Smith married a Mr. Leeds, and they lived around the New Jersey Pinelands area. Together, they had 12 children. During the painful birth of her 13th, she cursed the child.

Chestnut Neck
Painter Emanuel Leutze captured the American Revolution in his painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware. It is a glorious painting that depicts George Washington and his army being chased from Trenton into Valley Forge.

Whitesbog Village
Whitesbog Village consists of a collection of buildings that are nestled in amongst the scenic cranberry bogs and blueberry fields that comprise this historic site in Pemberton Township.

The Cabins of Medford Lakes
Medford Lakes is 1.2 square miles of rustic beauty in Burlington county. There are 22 lakes within this small area, and hundreds of lakefront and lakeview properties. But the really interesting thing is that many of the homes are log cabins...

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