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Leroy - remember his name
A recent survey conducted by the trade magazine Radio & Records found that 9 percent of Americans have never heard of the name Paul McCartney. NEVER HEARD OF IT...

A multiethnic musical tour
An Armenian sage purportedly once said: "Introductions? Who needs `em? Bring on the freaking album reviews!"...

No translation required
When it comes to appreci-ating music you don`t readily understand, ignorance sometimes is bliss...

10 best guitar solos of all time
Most of today`s music fans can still remember the glory days of the rock guitar solo, when fingers blazed and ears rang...

Animated music to keep you animated
My first live experience with African music came as a 12-year-old watching Nigeria`s Afro Kings, a percussion-heavy ensemble whose leader performed a conga solo while doing summersaults across the stage...
