Child Porn in South Jersey

by Copyright 2004 All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. | Aug 20, 2004
Child Porn in South Jersey A South Jersey man is behind bars, charged with sexual assault and child pornography.

Police said Charles Rafferty, 53, molested and photographed teenage girls in his home off Clements Bridge Road in Runnemede.

Runnemede police went to Rafferty's house on Monday to question him about sexually explicit pictures -- allegedly showing teenage girls -- that he developed at a CVS pharmacy. A CVS employee called police Sunday after viewing the pictures that reportedly showed teenage girls in sexually explicit poses. Police said Rafferty was also molesting the girls.

Upon arriving at Rafferty's home, authorities found two girls, ages 14 and 17, partially clothed and hiding in the closet.

"When we came to the door, they were told to get into the closet by Charles Rafferty. During the search, we found them in the closet," said Sgt. Paul Dailey, of Runnemede police.

Rafferty was arrested on Monday. Police believe there are at least two more victims.

"We confiscated a large amount of photographs that were processed by CVS that we are still going through. We are trying to identify other females in the photographs to determine their ages and their names," Dailey said.

Investigators said they also confiscated a videotape from Rafferty's house.

Police said Rafferty knows one of the girls' parents. It is not known how long the alleged abuse went on, but police said he might have lured the girls to his house with the promise of modeling opportunities.

Rafferty has also been charged with aggravated sexual assault because both of the victims were under 18-years-old. He is being held in jail on $100,000 bail.

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Author: Copyright 2004 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.



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