McGreevey Working on Resume

by NBC10/AP | Feb 7, 2005
McGreevey Working on Resume Former New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey is slowly starting to build a new resume several months after leaving office.

Advisers say McGreevey has a scheduled speaking engagement at Harvard University.

And the former Democratic governor also plans to visit people living in poverty in several parts of the country, including Appalachia.

McGreevey is currently working as a lawyer for state Senator Raymond Lesniak's firm in Parsippany.

McGreevey announced his plans to resign last August in a during a now-famous speech in which he acknowledged being gay and having an affair, declaring, "My truth is that I am a gay American.'

Lesniak tells The Philadelphia Inquirer that McGreevey is "is doing wonderful now.'


Author: NBC10/AP



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