Gov. Corzine...On Education Funding

by Press Release-Office of the Governor | Apr 10, 2006
Gov. Corzine...On Education Funding "I am committed to making sure that the children of the State of New Jersey have the educational opportunities guaranteed to them under our Constitution. The State has an obligation to ensure that all children across the state receive a thorough and efficient education. Under my proposed budget, a significant investment is made in state aid for education. This investment will ensure that the needs of our students are met, as well as ensure that our students are prepared to face the challenges of the global economy.

"I am also committed to holding public, local and school officials accountable for their efforts. The Budget that I have recently proposed is fiscally stringent, and necessarily so. I have called upon State officials at all levels to reduce expenditures and to find ways to do more with less. They have been fully responsive to this call. I expect nothing less from local municipal and school officials.

"The provision of an educational program compliant with constitutional strictures in all school districts must be accompanied by appropriate protocols for accountability. Districts must be accountable for the receipt and use of public funds and for the progress of our children in passing assessments, graduating and becoming productive adults of this State. Only through the imposition of accountability protocols can the tools for productivity management and outcome measures be properly utilized. To this end, I am committed to a review of the entire school funding system -- one that will meet the needs of all students, including those in the Abbott districts. Ultimately, a new school funding formula needs to be developed that will ensure that State and local resources are applied not only in an equitable manner, but in such a way to maximize the potential of all students to achieve success.

"Our focus must be to get resources to the children, rather than to the districts. All disadvantaged students, no matter which district they attend, must have the benefit of sufficient fiscal resources to meet their needs. I believe with hard work and knowledgeable debate all of these goals can be met and a funding formula created that will be acceptable to all.

"In the meantime, I have asked the Attorney General to make the appropriate application to the Supreme Court in the Abbott case to restrain the growth in State aid to Abbott districts. This step in no way signals a change in my strong and passionate support for the constitutional right to a thorough and efficient system of public education. Rather, the application is a necessary part of this year's budget process given prior court rulings in the Abbott case."

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Author: Press Release-Office of the Governor



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