Oral Cancer Prevention Campaign

by Press Release-Burlington County | Apr 14, 2008
Oral Cancer Prevention Campaign During April and May, the Burlington County Cancer Coalition will distribute oral cancer awareness kits to dental offices throughout the county. The kits contain consumer information on oral cancer risk factors, symptoms and exam.

Dentists are encouraged to look for signs of oral cancer, as well as talk to patients about the dangers of smoking and using smokeless tobacco products.

“We encourage residents to take an active role in their oral health by getting regular dental exams and brushing and flossing regularly,” said Freeholder Stacey F. Jordan. “If you notice changes in your mouth or throat such as a lump or thick patch; or if you have difficulty chewing or swallowing, you should see a dentist or physician.”

Oral cancer occurs most often in people over 40 and affects twice as many men as women. Tobacco use, alcohol use, or use of both substances together, account for 75 percent of oral cancers. People using both tobacco and alcohol are at much greater risk than using either substance alone.

“Don’t forget to use lip balm that contains sunscreen and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to help reduce cancer risk,” added Jordan.


Author: Press Release-Burlington County



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