Battleship Institute for Teachers, Public
Attention Teachers and the General Public! Come and earn professional credits while exploring parts of the ship not yet open to the general public.
March 20 OR 21, 2009, 9:30AM to 3:30PM ; $45 per person (Lunch Included)
The Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial is hosting Battleship Institute 2009 on The Big J! Experience demonstrations in the machine shop and the radio room. Guests will also visit the Engine Room, an area not yet open to the general public. The focus of the seminar will be MATH and SCIENCE and will contain two lessons that Teacher’s could use in their classrooms! New Jersey Teachers can earn five professional development credits.
For more information or to register call 1-866-877-6262 ext. 222 or email
Berthed on the Camden Waterfront across the Delaware River from Center City Philadelphia, the Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial is a non-profit historic ship museum that offers guided and self-guided tours daily.
The Battleship New Jersey allows visitors a variety of ways to experience the ship, including overnight encampments
for youth groups and families, special group and student tours and event rentals with a full catering menu. Now Open, the new “City at Sea” tour! See new areas of the ship; include the TV Studio, Machine Shop, Post Office and Medical and Dental facilities. For more information on the ship’s many programs, visit
Author: Press Release--The Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial
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