Dogs Sent From TX To NJ Following Harvey
The Animal Welfare Association in Voorhees is one of nearly a dozen Northeast shelters ready to care for dogs arriving on a phase 1 transport from storm-ravaged Houston, Texas. Their pens, fresh with blankets and toys all marked with the same name: Harvey.
Departing from Voorhees, the team headed up to Morristown Municipal Airport where 78 dogs have been flown in through the St. Huberts Animal Welfare Center.
It’s a nationwide effort that will help free up shelter space in flooded regions of Texas. These dogs were among those packed up near Houston in preparation for outbound flights.
Voorhees shelter Operations Manager Stacie Dabolt served similarly on the ground during Hurricane Katrina.
“They see the pictures on Facebook and on the TV and a lot of people their first instinct is how could somebody do that,” said Dabolt.
She says that while images of animals left behind can be excruciating, the pain and circumstances of the families who left them, must be considered.
“A lot of times they are just trying to survive much less trying to worry about their animals so they leave them behind out of desperation sometimes they are just plucked out and they have no other options,” Dabolt said.
Pulled a bad situation–these dogs are still good dogs with happier days in sight.
“With every tragedy there is always good stories and good endings because the communities come together, it takes a village,” said Dabolt. “When it comes to animals, people really come forward and you find homes for a lot of animals who probably wouldn’t have gotten the exposure.”
Ten dogs will arrive into the Animal Welfare Association Adoption Center early Wednesday morning , with additional dogs taken to the Voorhees Animal Orphanage. EyewitnessNnews has been told that additional dogs and cats will follow in Phase 2 and 3 of the rescue mission.
For more information on how to adopt or become a foster family for these animals, you can visit the Animal Welfare Association of Voorhee’s Facebook page.

Author: - Alexandria Hoff
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