Family Loses 2 Pets, Vital...

Family Loses 2 Pets, Vital Medical Equipment For Special Needs Child In Woodland House Fire
A family in Burlington County is mourning the loss of two pets after a devastating fire ripped through their home Saturday evening.
Now they are left picking up the pieces, made more difficult because of what was lost in the blaze.
On top of losing two pets in the fire, this family lost vital medical equipment for a special needs child. Equipment that the family says is difficult to replace, and difficult for the child to live without.
After lightning sparked a fire in a tree near the home, a burning branch fell onto the home.
“I literally had just left to go take my mom out to dinner, and about 55 minutes later got a phone call that my house was on fire,” said homeowner Valerie Harris.
By the time Valerie Harris, her mother, and her two children returned to Applegate Place in Woodland, their home was fully engulfed in flames.
They lost almost everything that was inside, including two pets, their dog Bella and cat Jack.
“I’m overwhelmed. I have tons of neighbors who tried to rescue my dog, who tried to rescue anything for my youngest child because he is a special needs child who is wheelchair dependent. So they were going into the home to grab anything that he could use. So overwhelmed with the help and love and support that’s happening right now,” said Valerie.
“She is a good person and no one wants to see anything like this happen to a good person like her,” said Valerie’s brother, Victor Sierra.
A GoFundMe page has been setup for the family to help them rebuild and help Valerie’s youngest son, Jacob. Despite neighbors efforts, they couldn’t get to all of Jacob’s vital equipment.
“Unfortunately what they did bring down, was covered in fiberglass and it still, the smell, so how do you get rid of that fast and bring it into practical use? That’s kind of the main concern because he needs the equipment,” said Victor.
In less than 24 hours, more than $11,000 has been donated to the family through the GoFundMe page that was setup.

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