Man Fatally Shot By Police...
The standoff between a man and police in South Jersey lasted several minutes and the entire ordeal was posted live on Facebook as it unfolded.
A fatal shooting involving police in Vineland, New Jersey was captured on cellphone video.
You can hear the moment a Vineland police officer shot Rashaun Washington, 37, three times, killing him.
“I live right there, not even three feet away,” said Jose Pagan.
Pagan watched the shooting unfold on West Wood Street, just next door to his home.
He says just before noon Washington, who did not live at the home next door, began pacing back and forth outside it.
Police were trying to calm the Washington down and appeared patient at first.
“They telling him to calm down or whatever, he said, ‘No, I’m not leaving here, y’all going to have to kill me,'” said Pagan.
Pagan did not expect an officer to do just that minutes later.
“They shouldn’t of killed him because he did not have no weapon, no shirt. He was showing cops all he had was a bottle of water,” Pagan told Eyewitness News.
What is most concerning to Pagan and other neighbors, including the woman who shot the video, was what the officer said as he pulled the trigger.
“The cop yelled ‘bomb, a bomb, a bomb’ and he shot him three times,” said Pagan. “Where the bomb comes from? Ain’t no bomb. You think if there would’ve been a bomb this whole block would’ve been evacuated!”
Per attorney general guidelines, the local prosecutor’s office is investigating this officer-involved shooting.
While that office confirmed the shooting was fatal and it happened around 11:22 Saturday morning, it did not say whether a bomb or any kind was found here or suspected here during the incident.
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