South Jersey School Notebook

Burlington County
Five schools from the Pemberton Township School District received State Schools of Character status through Fort Dix Elementary School, Howard L. Emmons Elementary School, Joseph S. Stackhouse Elementary School, Pemberton Early Childhood Education Center and Samuel T. Busansky Elementary School. These are just five of 24 schools in New Jersey to receive this title with Pemberton having the most schools from one district in 2023.
Members of Cinnaminson Select Singers from Cinnaminson Middle School were invited to sing the National Anthem at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia. The performance occurred just before the tipoff of a Harlem Globetrotters game against the Washington Generals.
Camden County
Cherry Hill High School East junior Ursa Aslam placed first in the high school division of the National Parks Service 40th Annual Frederick Douglass Oratorical Contest. Following her win, she has been invited to perform her speech in Washington, DC.
Camden High School players DJ Wagner and Aaron Bradshaw, as well as Paul VI’s Hannah Hidalgo were recently named Naismith High School All-Americans. This national honor seeks to recognize the most promising and outstanding players in high school basketball.
10-year-old Truman Dodd, a fourth grader from Stockton Elementary, wrote and illustrated his own children’s book entitled “The Crazy Llama,” while in second grade during the pandemic. Now his book is published. His book launch will include “Pinkalicious” author, Victoria Kann and Virtuous Cornwall, local author of the Animalsville series.
Gloucester County
Washington Township High School’s New Jersey Drama and Forensics league (NJDFL) won their first State Championship, breaking the 11-year winning streak of Mainland High School. Students Eddie Mulvhill, Dan Hillig, Xander Jackson and John Ecker, and Violet Merrigan also placed first in dramatic oral interpretation, humorous oral interpretation, improvisational and contemporary monologue, respectively.
Wedgwood Elementary students complete over nine million math problems in less than one week using an online program called First in Math. The elementary school is currently competing in the First in Math March Madness Survivor Tournament and students earn a sticker for each three problems they compete. Students who solve over 30,000 math problems can earn the title of Grand Champion.
The Woodbury High School boys’ basketball team managed a huge second-half comeback in the South Jersey Group I title championship game securing their first title since 2018 with a 74 - 46 win over the Burlington City Blue Devils.
Rowan University freshman, Harrison Nastasi, placed first in the New Jersey category of the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards, for his line of Bobica Bars. Bobica Bars are gluten free, dairy free, soy free, nut free and vegetarian friendly granola bars and come in four flavors – Acerola, Berry Boost Acaí, Holiday Cranberry and Pitaya. He will go on to represent New Jersey in the GSEA’s North American competition with hopes of making it to the global level.

Author: Staff
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