Teen Dies in Hockey Game

by Copyright 2005 NBC10.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. | Oct 19, 2005
Teen Dies in Hockey Game A South Jersey community is trying to come to grips with the sudden death of a high school sophomore at a hockey rink.

Joe Glauser, 16, collapsed during a roller hockey game Saturday night at the public hockey rink on River Road in Pennsauken.

Just minutes into his game Saturday night, Glauser's team took the lead.

"The goal was scored and Joey was getting ready to celebrate the goal and that's when tragedy happened," said Harry Dorofee, of the Pennsauken Roller Hockey League.

Glauser fell to his knees and collapsed. His coach and a referee gave Glauser CPT until the emergency medical technicians arrived.

A short while later, the 16-year-old was dead of an apparent heart attack.

"When I heard the word that Joey was down on the rink, it cut through me like a knife," Dorofee said. "Why take a young man this soon in his life? It's tough to fathom," Dorofee said.

Glauser's team won the championship last spring. In fact, the teen was the most valuable player on his team in May.

Dorofee had coached him for years in the Pennsauken Youth Roller Hockey League and never heard him complain of any problems.

"When any player is injured in any way, every coach goes back and thinks, 'What did I do? Did I miss something?'" Dorofee said.

An autopsy may eventually reveal what happened to Glauser.

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Author: Copyright 2005 by NBC10.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.



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