Burlco Pursues Renewable Energy Projects

by Press Release--Burlington County | Oct 26, 2008
Burlco Pursues Renewable Energy Projects Burlington County Freeholders took another step forward in its pursuit of renewable energy, including the installation of solar panels at the closed landfill, by asking that a Request for Qualifications be prepared to retain the services of consultants expert in energy related projects.

“Burlington County has been pursuing energy efficiency in new buildings and renovations, as well as the sale of energy from our methane recovery plant at the landfill. Today’s action is a logical next step in moving forward with our goal to maximize all green energy and money saving opportunities,” said Freeholder Director Aubrey A. Fenton.

The County began looking into solar energy panels at its closed landfill in the spring of this year after the NJ Board of Public Utilities (BPU) amended its regulations to encourage solar electric generation and improve its economic feasibility.

The County also may apply to the BPU’s Office of Clean Energy for grant funding to perform energy audits at its facilities.

Over the next several years, Burlington County plans to evaluate the feasibility of implementing alternative fuel and renewable energy projects, study the energy efficiencies of its facilities, and undertake a variety of energy conservation projects. In addition, the County owns and operates two landfills and a methane recovery facility. The County will require assistance in the sale of carbon and greenhouse gas emissions credits and advice in regard to the sale of electricity and electric products generated at the methane recovery facility. The County’s gas-to-energy plant is bringing in about $200,000 in monthly sales of excess electricity to offset landfill operating costs.

Consultant services may include energy audits, economic analyses of conversion to and use of alternative fuels, energy conservation and efficiency studies, preparation of engineering designs and specifications, and construction administration for energy related construction projects. Additional services may include preparation of federal, state and local permit applications, assistance in identifying funding sources and preparation of grant applications, preparation of procurement documents for design/build contracts for energy related projects, assistance in sale of emission credits or purchase of emission offsets, and evaluation of emerging technologies, including preparation of cost/benefit analyses.

The County’s Department of Resource Conservation will issue the Request for Qualifications shortly with responses to be received in early December so that the pool of consultants can be certified by the end of this year for a three-year period.

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Author: Press Release--Burlington County



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