Close of Biz: Hope for the New Year

Good riddance, 2020. Most of us are relieved this unsettling and tough year is almost over, and as we put 2020 behind us, it’s time to look ahead to the new year and all the possibilities ahead. With vaccines currently being shipped all over the country and front-line workers in our area getting the first doses, it’s a sign of hope and one step closer to this pandemic being over, which hopefully means business will be back to normal for many companies in our area and beyond. We asked South Jersey professionals what their hopes are for 2021:
Jim Patrick, owner and CEO
Grant Integrative Facilities
“In 2021, we hope for a significant decrease in COVID-related deaths and illnesses, allowing front-line workers, including Grant’s own employees, who have stood strong and resilient in the midst of this unprecedented pandemic, to enjoy some much-needed rest. We’d also welcome a sold-out, mid-summer concert on the waterfront.”
Stan Molotsky, president and CEO
SHM Financial Group
“Our hopes for 2021 from The SHM Financial Group are, of course, good health and prosperity for all. Our motto is ‘be happy that you keep getting older.’ Look forward to tomorrow and keep that smile on your face (even though it’s under a face mask)!”
Betsy G. Ramos, shareholder
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Capehart Scatchard

Capehart Scatchard
“My hope for 2021 is to see humans in person and not ever over the computer!”
Richard Stagliano, president and CEO
Center for Family Services
“My hope for 2021 is for peace and progress. I hope that we continue to en-gage in healthy conversations about the injustice [minority] communities have experienced; that we work together on local, state and national levels to make real institutional change to bring an end to social and racial inequality; and that we listen to each other along the way.”
Donna McArdle, public relations liaison
Deborah Heart and Lung Center
“In addition to solving all our other major problems, my greatest hope for 2021 is that I can hug my friends and family, and return to a regular yoga practice in-studio—soaking up positive community energy.”
David Antrilli, president and CEO
AAA South Jersey
“My hope for 2021 is that we are able to eradicate this dreadful virus and put our differences aside to come together as one to make 2020 a distant memory. I wish that those affected by the unprecedented challenges of this year are able to find peace and happiness in the new year.”
Kelly Shoaf, director of marketing
Baratz & Associates, P.A.
“Everyone is talking about a new normal, but personally I’d like to see a little of the old return—my son in school, shaking hands at a networking event and [seeing] smiles across a conference table. I hope we see a little of that even if we are more responsible and aware from now on.”
Tim Guim, president and CEO
PCH Technologies
“My hope for 2021 is that the vaccine proves to be successful and kids can start going back to school again full-time come the fall. For businesses, I hope that those who were affected by the pandemic can get back to business as usual as much as possible in 2021.”
Gary Etter, PE, vice president and New Jersey regional manager
Urban Engineers
Urban Engineers
“The American people have always found strength and resolve in the face of adversity, and my hope for 2021 is that we once again find the strength—with commitment to real action—to help those most negatively affected in 2020. I look forward to seeing us beat the pandemic, develop solutions for our infrastructure and find common ground for the betterment of all Americans, because in the end, we all have the same basic human needs.”
Charlie Muracco, CEO
CLM Advisors
“I hope that the vaccine will all but eliminate the threat of the virus by the second quarter. After that, I hope we all come to realize the importance of each one of us on each other’s success. If this unprecedented time has shown us anything, it is that we can’t survive without the help of the people around us.”
CLM Advisors
“I hope that the vaccine will all but eliminate the threat of the virus by the second quarter. After that, I hope we all come to realize the importance of each one of us on each other’s success. If this unprecedented time has shown us anything, it is that we can’t survive without the help of the people around us.”
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Published (and copyrighted) in South Jersey Biz, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2020).
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Published (and copyrighted) in South Jersey Biz, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2020).
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Author: South Jersey Biz
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