Editor’s Note: On the Homefront

by Stephanie Arasim Portnoy | Sep 1, 2008
Editor’s Note: On the Homefront …From the pages of Suburban Home and Garden Resource Guide…

I can’t get enough of home-improvement shows, especially the ones that use that fast-forward special effect through the actual construction part. HGTV makeovers are magical events where your contractor’s never late, the demolition is completed flawlessly and the dust always magically disappears. In short, it’s a fairy tale -- but home improvement is often a lot easier when it’s seen through rose-colored protective glasses. One way to fast forward through the missteps of a renovation is to find yourself a quality contractor, and this issue offers you ample opportunity -- both in the people that we’ve interviewed for our features and in the article on the Greater Philadelphia Fall Home Show, the year’s largest gathering of home-improvement vendors and specialists in the tri-state area. Mark your calendars now for the weekend of October 24 through 26, so you can walk the show and talk to as many exhibitors as you can about the projects that you’re interested in. Keeping with the fairy tale theme, visiting the show is an incredible way to get ideas, figure out what you want (and don’t want) and take the first step on the road to “happily ever after” for your house. I’ll see you there.

Stephanie Arasim Portnoy

Published (and copyrighted) in Suburban Home and Garden Resource Guide, South Jersey edition, September 2008.
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Author: Stephanie Arasim Portnoy


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