R-C Offers Online Certification

by Press Release--Rutgers-Camden | Dec 16, 2010
R-C Offers Online Certification Business owners are generally well equipped with technical skills related to their particular product or service, but additional skills are often required to succeed as an entrepreneur. Rutgers–Camden has launched a new online certificate program for business professionals seeking to enhance their skills in accounting and finance, marketing and branding, and sales. The Advanced Entrepreneurial Certificate Program offers the tools needed to increase a businessperson’s potential for success.

“Because some entrepreneurs did not go to business school, there are a whole set of business skills they don’t have,” says Gary Rago, director of the Rutgers–Camden Small Business Development Center. “We want to help them be more successful in their business. Our target group also includes up-and-coming business managers who may be well-versed in accounting and finance, but not in marketing and branding, or vice versa.”

Rago and Ray Compari, associate dean of the Rutgers School of Business–Camden and director of its Institute for Management and Executive Development, have developed three certificate programs designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of business owners and/or managers.

Offered in collaboration with New Jersey Small Business Development Centers across the state and the Rutgers School of Business–Camden’s Executive Education program, the online training modules allow students to complete most of the coursework at their own pace and with the help of an advisor. Students can access the work online 24/7.

Each of the certificates includes facilitation by an advisor who is available to the students while they are completing the online work and who encourages, supports and assists the student in completing the coursework. Advisors provide assignments so the students can apply the course to real business situations.

“Over the last five years, there’s been an explosion of online learning in both the amount of content and the number of educational institutions providing that avenue of learning,” says Compari. “It’s a valuable alternative for working professionals. One progression we’ve made, and a distinction of our program, is that online learning incorporates valuable business skills that can be applied by professionals to their daily work.”

The Accounting and Finance certificate can be completed in 49 hours, the Marketing and Branding certificate in 50 hours, and the Sales certificate in 54 hours. Each certification costs $900.

Students may register for the certificates now by visiting the New Jersey Small Business Development Center website at www.njsbdc.com or by calling the center at Rutgers–Newark at (973) 353-1927.

Training begins as soon as students are registered and have access to the online training modules. Coursework can be done anywhere students have online access.

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Author: Press Release--Rutgers-Camden


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