Paws in the Park Dog Walk

Check-in time is 8:30 am. There will be ongoing events until noon.
This year we will include several animal shelters and rescue groups with information tables and adoptable animals. We will have a Blessing of the Animals in honor of World Animals Day and the birthday of Saint Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Animals.
Seven-year-old Molly Knox, last year’s winner of American Humane's Kind Kid contest, will have her catnip socks available at her table.
Registration fee of $10 applies to each human walker - dogs are free.
Walkers are encouraged to gather pledges from friends, family and co- workers. All participants who turn in pledges will receive a doggie bag full of goodies. Participants turning in $100 or more in pledges will receive a free STAF T-Shirt. All pledges are due the day of the event.
The walker turning in the most pledges gets a One Year supply of dog food, donated by The Pet Place in Sewell, NJ! There will also be random drawings for a variety of other great prizes throughout the day.
Shelter and Rescue groups are welcome at no charge; please bring your own table and materials. Please RSVP by Sept. 28
Please send your registration fee along with your name, address and phone number to STAF by October 10. (If you don't get your registration into the mail on time, you can bring it the day of the walk and register in person.)
Contact STAF at PO Box 5689, Deptford, NJ 08096, email , or call 856-582-3661 (please let us know if you need a registration form). Visit our web site at

Author: Press Release
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