Lots of Heroes--Are You One?

by Press Release | Oct 13, 2009
Lots of Heroes--Are You One? The amazing members of Wish Upon A Hero have granted over 41,000 wishes. If you have a wish, then post it up on www.wishuponahero.com. You never know who may grant it! It's also easy to help another person and become a hero. Just click on Find A Wish. You can search for a specific cause, a specific individual, or even a specific location. Some users just need winter clothes for their kids that your family has stored away. It's that simple!

In the last few months, some of the most incredible wishes have been granted. Here are a few of our favorites.

Hero donates a kidney!
Shari Perkins of York Pa will undergo surgery at a Texas hospital to donate one of her kidneys to save! the life of a man she’s never known. “I can’t think of anything better to do than save someone’s life or enhance it,” Perkins said as she was prepared for surgery Monday evening. Mario Rene Lozano, a retired police officer from Missouri City, Texas, will receive Perkins’ kidney at The Methodist Hospital in Houston.

Daughter with Down Syndrome meets Reba!
Thanks to Kimberly Adams, Director of the Down Syndrome Heroes, for her heroic effort to grant a mother's wish for her daughter Tori, who has Down Syndrome. Tori is a long time fan of Reba's and always wanted to meet her. What seemed like an impossible dream to meet Reba, has now becom! e an incredible reality. Tori and her family received 2 nights stay and tickets to the Oregon State Fair, donated by Reba's people. Thank you heroes!

Ohio family gets help from heroes!
Nathan is a 15 year old boy from Ohio who needs to get to New York for his upcoming surgery on his spine. He has a rare disorder of the connective tissues that is causing his spine to crumble, called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. The Wish Upon A Hero Foundation was pleased to grant this wish in memory of Francine M. Henhaffer "Fran" Papaneri. Donations to the In Memory Of program make it possible to memorialize a love one while helping others.

For more information about Wish Upon a Hero, check out the South Jersey Magazine article here, or go to their website at wishuponahero.com.

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Author: Press Release


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