Dine Out and Fight AIDS

by Press Release | Apr 2, 2006
Dine Out and Fight AIDS Raising funds for AIDS is as easy as…well…going out to dinner! On April 27, 2006, join the AIDS Coalition of Southern New Jersey (ACSNJ), in conjunction with Action AIDS in Philadelphia, to celebrate the 16th anniversary of Dining Out for Life – an international fundraiser supporting AIDS service organizations.

This year 36 South Jersey restaurants from Burlington, Camden and Gloucester Counties have agreed to participate in support of the local fight against HIV / AIDS. A full list of participating restaurants is available at www.acsnj.org.

Each restaurant pledges 33% of all food receipts from April 27th or a $2,500 flat donation to benefit ACSNJ programs and services. ACSNJ provides 22 services to people affected by HIV / AIDS including client case management, a food bank, employment counseling, transitional housing, legal services, support groups, transportation and a homeless drop-in center.

Based on the New Jersey HIV/AIDS Report (www.state.nj.us/health) from the Department of Health and Senior Services, there are over 33,000 people living with AIDS in New Jersey. In fact, New Jersey ranks first in the proportion of women living with HIV / AIDS, third in pediatric cases and fifth in cumulative AIDS cases. In the four county area that ACSNJ serves (Burlington, Camden, Gloucester & Salem) there are over 2,400 individuals living with HIV / AIDS.

“It is so simple for the community to get involved with this event and so beneficial to ACSNJ clients,” says ACSNJ President Arthur Dion. “Participants have the opportunity to enjoy a great meal at one of South Jersey’s finest restaurants and also make a difference in the lives of those affected by this disease. I thank you for your support.”

In 2005, Dining Out for Life raised over $27,000 for ACSNJ programs and services. This was the agency’s biggest Dining Out for Life fundraising total to date.

“Last year Dining Out for Life was a great success for the agency. Now with even more restaurants signed on board – an astonishing total of 36! – we look forward to even more support from the surrounding community,” says Colleen T. Brooks, Chief Financial Officer.

Dining Out for Life was started 15 years ago by the Philadelphia-based organization – ActionAIDS. After raising $20,000 in the first year and continuing to expand over the next 5 years, ActionAIDS reached out nationally and sold the event to Dining Out for Life International. Now the event takes place in 37 cities across the United States and Canada and raises over $2,000,000 a year.

In the Philadelphia region, seven AIDS service organizations participate in the event including: ActionAIDS, AIDS Coalition of Southern New Jersey (ACSNJ), AIDS Delaware, Family and Community Service of Delaware County, Planned Parenthood Association of Bucks County, Planned Parenthood of Chester County, and Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania. For more information about the event, log on to the national Dining Out for Life website at www.diningoutforlife.com, call the toll free hotline at 1-877-EAT-4-LIFE, or call ACSNJ Event Coordinator, Suzanne Paquette, at (856) 933-9500, ext. 204.

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Author: Press Release


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