Jersey Shore Favorites to Cost More

by Copyright 2008 All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. | May 8, 2008
Jersey Shore Favorites to Cost More Some boardwalk favorites are going to cost more at the shore this summer.

The signs of summer at the shore are everywhere. The boardwalk was packed Wednesday but as energy prices rise, especially gasoline, the cost of those boardwalk favorites is going to rise, as well.

At Mack and Manco Pizza, the rising cost of flour prices means that a slice of pizza is up 15 cents this year.

"Everybody has to eat and I don't think its going to affect us as much as the retail business," Tony Policini, Mack and Manco Pizza, said.

It seems a stroll down the boardwalk is the same everywhere you go. Boardwalk fries are the same price, but if you want cheese on those pony up an extra 50 cents for rising dairy prices.

Corn being used for ethanol means those sweet treats that use corn syrup might go up too.

At Shriver's, fudge is up 50 cents a pound, but that world famous saltwater taffy is staying put.

"We're not passing it on this year. When we open up and set our prices we keep it the same," Hank Glaser, Shriver's Salt Water Taffy, said.

If you're looking for a deal on a shore rental in the tough economy, you've come to the wrong place. Renters like Ed Roberts were surprised to find rental prices are flat, but properties are scarce.

Rentals are up nearly 15 percent.

"I thought with the economy the way it was there would be more openings, but there weren't," Roberts said.

The Ocean City Board of Realtors said an off-season ad campaign in cities like New York City and Baltimore, cities less than a tank of gas away, have helped

"I think when we talk to clients people who went down to the Carolinas or Virginia, are coming closer to home again," Kevin Redmond, Ocean City Realty, said.

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Author: Copyright 2008 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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