Maple Shade High School

According to the school’s website, the program of studies that an individual pursues in high school should reflect his or her aspirations, aptitudes and achievements. Since post-high school requirements for employment, college, vocational training and military are constantly changing, students must frequently re-evaluate their immediate and long-term goals.
Maple Shade High School provides many courses to choose from, beyond the state and local requirements. The school offers courses in the areas of English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, World Language, Visual, Practical and Performing Arts, Health and Physical Education and other areas.
Maple Shade High School’s Performing Arts Department includes Vocal Music, Theatre and Instrumental Music. According to the school’s website, the Concert Choir course is open to all high school students and will teach students about good choral music and provide a workable knowledge of sight-singing, part-singing, rudiments of conducting and musical terminology. Students must be interested in singing, possess a good sense of pitch and be enthusiastic. This performing group participates in area music festivals, sings on local stages and in area malls, and performs in district-wide concerts in the winter and spring.
The Maple Shade High School Wildcat Marching Band is under the direction of Aaron Moseley. The band just kicked off their 2015 season performing their show “In The Night” featuring the music of Daft Punk, Radiohead and Fall Out Boy, with a competition at Burlington City. Next, they compete at Seneca, Delran, Shawnee and Cherokee. To finish out the season, the band will travel to the USBands A Class National Championships in Dover, DE.
The Student Government is organized to uphold the standards of Maple Shade High School, encourage the separate abilities of individual students, maintain a high standard of self-discipline among the students of our school, and sustain an enthusiastic school spirit. The membership is composed of a Representative and Alternate from each homeroom who will be elected in September by their homerooms. The President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary of the Student Government were voted for in May of the previous school year.
Sports at the school include football, soccer, field hockey, cross country, wrestling, basketball, softball, baseball and lacrosse. Follow MSHS sports on Twitter at
Boys Cross Country went 3-1 in their September 15 meet with wins against Bordentown, Holy Cross and Palmyra. Congrats to Max Ormsby, Kevin McGovern, Bobby Sheply, Sean New, Chris Cloke and Zach Sparacio.
Girls Soccer had a great shutout game against Gloucester City earlier this month. Elora Marvasi got a hat trick and Juliana Lotierzo scored a goal to make the score 4-0.
Football players on this season’s roster include Zack Mourey, Chris Snuffer, Ethan Crawford, Brett Dougherty, Carlos Ortiz, Brian Toole, Braedon Domansky, Justin Snuffer, Chaz Verdon, Matt Klemm, Ken Karcher, Cole Robinson, Frank Dinofa, Kale Edwards, Brandon Motter and Fabian Fanfan. Opponents this season include Haddon Heights, Palmyra, Woodstown, Riverside, Pitman, New Egypt, Clayton, Florence Township, Wildwood and Burlington City.
The MSHS Student Government will be holding a fundraiser at Smashburger in Cherry Hill on September 21 from 6-9pm.
The 2nd Annual Lee Sharples Memorial Scholarship 5K and 1-mile Fun Walk will be on September 27, beginning and ending at Maple Shade High School. Maple Shade Youth Soccer Club is organizing the fundraiser in honor of Lee Sharples, a popular coach who lost the battle with cancer suddenly in the middle of the 2013 soccer season. The cost to sign up for the 5K is $25 and $15 for the 1-mile walk, until September 25. To learn more, visit
Maple Shade High School is located at 170 Frederick Avenue in Maple Shade. For more information, visit Shade High School or call 856-779-1750.
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For more information about what’s going on in our local schools and what today’s students are up to, visit our South Jersey Schools page.

Author: Meghan Shott
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